Archbishop Molloy High School is a great environment for aspiring or already strong musicians and performers to improve their skills and enjoy ample opportunities to perform live. Molloy offers courses at each grade level that cater to a variety of musically inclined students. These include Music Appreciation, Music Theory, Concert Band, and Chorus at several levels. Molloy also features extracurricular activities that provide further outlets for musical expression including String Ensemble and Guitar Ensemble. Being part of our new Tri-M Music Honor Society chapter is a great way to take your interest and skills in music even further! Whether you have a greater interest in musical theory and performance, or just consider yourself a music fan, Molloy is a great place to discover and deepen your passion for music.
A standard freshmen course load includes Religion 9, English 9, Algebra 1, Global History & Geography 1, a world language, Biology, Introduction to Computer Science, Music Appreciation, and Physical Education. After you have paid your registration and technology fees, you will be given a course request survey to complete, giving you an opportunity to further customize your schedule. You will receive more information in March about this survey from the Office of Admissions.
While most incoming freshmen take Music Appreciation, those with a musical background may request Freshman Band or Music Theory, and those interested in vocal performance may request Freshman Chorus.
Instrumental Track
Band [UB, 0.5 credit]: The Archbishop Molloy High School Band is open by audition to students in all four years. The band meets at 7:15 AM before academic classes begin. Students rehearse and perform music of varied styles in the Concert Band and Jazz Band repertoire. The Band presents a Christmas Concert, a Spring Concert, and provides music at other school and community occasions as requested.
Wind Ensemble Honors [UWEH, 0.5 credit, 1.05 weight]: This course is comprised of more advanced wind, percussion, bass, and piano players (NYSSMA Level 4+ or equivalent). Members of the Ensemble are also committed participants of the school Band. Students perform in bi-annual school concerts, at Open House, and in at least one off-campus public performance. In addition to general band practices, Ensemble members are expected to attend additional afternoon rehearsals leading to performances or competition. Prerequisite: Approval must be obtained from Ms. Yang.
Music Theory [UT, 0.5 credit]: This course is intended for students with some previous musical experience, either vocal or instrumental. Topics include scales, chords, intervals, transposition, ranges of instruments and voices, chord progressions and inversions. Students will write simple melodies and harmonize them. The course is required of freshman band members.
Chorus Track
Freshman Chorus [UCF, 0.5 credit]: This vocal music course meets every day for one semester. The chorus performs at the Christmas and Spring Concerts and provides music for other events and liturgies as needed. Requires a commitment to perform at all designated school events.
Sophomore Chorus [UCS, 0.5 credit]: This is the continuation of the Freshmen Chorus during sophomore year and can be taken in lieu of Studio in Art. The same expectations of Freshmen Chorus are in place for this course. While most students in this course were part Chorus in freshmen year, it may be possible to join the Chorus in sophomore year, but approval must first be obtained from Ms. Yang.
Junior/Senior Chorus Honors [UCJSH, 0.5 credit, 1.05 weight]: The course includes elements of vocal training, sight-reading, and additional aspects of music. Grades are based on what students learn in these areas and the progress they make as choral singers. Because the course meets three times percycle for the entire year, the course cannot be taken with other junior electives or by seniors with Art or Science Research 11/12 Honors. Juniors in Algebra 2/Pre-Calculus Honors may take the course when labs end in the second semester of junior year but will complete an additional project designed by the instructor. Prerequisite: Approval must be obtained from Mr. Sheehan via an audition.
Introductory Track
Music Appreciation [UA, 0.5 credit]: This freshman course is a study in the elements and history of music. Its aim is to assist the students in becoming people of culture, receptive to God’s gifts of beauty and goodness through music. Topics include the instruments of the orchestra, melody, harmony, basic notation recognition, and a study of the history of music from the Middle Ages through the Rock Era.
String Ensemble: String ensemble is a student club for experienced string players. The club meets two days per week after school. Required: a minimum of two years of playing experience or student has completed playing a level equivalence of Suzuki Book 2.
Guitar Ensemble: Guitar ensemble is a student club for guitarists of all levels who wish to understand the fundamentals of music and performance through the guitar. Prior instruction is not required. Basic skills such as chord strumming, tablature notation, improvisation, and ensemble playing will be covered. Students are required to have their own instrument. The use of an acoustic guitar is highly recommended for the purposes of this club, but electric guitars will be accepted. The Guitar ensemble is scheduled to perform during the Winter and Spring concerts.
For more information about music at Molloy, please contact us at
[email protected].