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The Fund for Molloy is a discretionary fund that helps provide resources, empowers students through Needs Assistance, and creates the means to achieve important campus upgrades. Your support of the Fund for Molloy is crucial to our students' continued success.

Needs Assistance

Unforeseen or extraordinary circumstances can create hardships for families that often make it difficult to remain enrolled at Molloy. Needs Assistance is a powerful gift that we can offer students and families in need thanks to your generosity to the Fund for Molloy. Gifts to our annual fund enable Molloy to address the needs of our most critically affected families through Needs Assistance. Approximately 150 students per year benefit from Needs Assistance.

Needs Assistance is a critical resource that eases that financial burden, and our community's support directly impacts our ability to help as many students as possible.Richard Karsten '81

Capital Projects

The Fund for Molloy also allows for significant improvements to be made around our six-acre campus. Modernizing a building first constructed in 1957 is no easy feat, but our community's generosity has made many capital projects possible. From renovated spaces such as the William J. Murphy Library and the student cafeteria, to infrastructure upgrades like classroom air conditioning and roof replacement, all the upgrades made to our campus are vital to Molloy's present and future.